Turfgrass Area Calculations
For New Sod
How To Measure

Whether you are planning for new sod or seed, fertilization or pest control, it is important to understand how to measure lawns, athletic fields, or other turfgrass areas. This guide contains helpful tips on how to properly measure an area so that you can make important decisions around purchasing, installing, and maintaining new sod so that it is healthy and ready to enjoy!
Whether you are planning for new sod or seed, fertilization or pest control, it is important to understand how to measure lawns, athletic fields, or other turfgrass areas. This guide contains helpful tips on how to properly measure an area so that you can make important decisions around purchasing, installing, and maintaining new sod so that it is healthy and ready to enjoy!

Add the total lawn area measurement (a, c, d, e, and g) and subtract tree diameter measurements (f and h) for a total of ft².

• Irrigation flags are an easy way to separate areas to be
measured or ones that have been measured.
• Establishing various geometric shapes are an easy way to
calculate areas that are regularly or even irregularly shaped.
• In some cases, it may be easier to measure plant beds,
mulch areas, etc. and subtract them from the total area of
the lawn.
• Online measurement tools using satellite imagery can also
be used to calculate turfgrass areas. Simply search the
web or ask your local TPI producer member for access to
available programs

For more information on how to care for newly laid sod after
establishment, please check out The Lawn Institute website at www.TheLawnInstitute.org.

444 E. Roosevelt Road #346 • Lombard, IL 60148 USA
1-800-405-TURF (8873) • www.TheLawnInstitute.org
The tools you will need include a tape measure or measuring
wheel, a pen and paper, and a calculator. Follow these simple
steps for accurate measurements each and every time!
Identify property boundaries of turfgrass areas to be
Assign various geometric shapes to turfgrass areas using
small flags or select points on permanent structures such as
sidewalk or driveway edges, home foundations, landscape
beds, etc.
Measure the length, width, base, height, radius, or diameter
of the selected geometric shape.
Calculate the area of each geometric shape and sum them
together to determine the total turfgrass area.